I always hear that embarking on such a project can be arduous and full of joys and pitfalls. So... we will see how things pan out for us and our house, which we hope to make into our home, our base in Melbourne.
So I will post on here regularly the progress of "making base camp" and our thoughts on the process. Should be interesting I guess.
So for this first entry, I will say that tomorrow we will meet up with an architect for the second time to go through the contract with a fine tooth comb; just so we're on the same page. Its a big commitment, time and money-wise. We're looking at 18 months before we complete the house and move in.
At this stage, we plan to move in and camp there for 6 to 8 months or so, until the plans have been finalised, and its been okayed by council, and before the first sledge hammer strikes. Then we'll move out (again) and rent somewhere close by while construction is in progress.
That's the plan anyway...